Friday, March 8, 2013


bismillah wa alhamdulillah..syukur sebab Allah beri nikmat hidup hari ni.

ada satu perkara yang nak diceritakan, actually when i want to take my exam (its start when i'm taking my spm) i'll be very nervous, stress and demotivated. i'm thinking too much about my result plus i did not really ready to take my exam. later i'll call my mom and tell her what am i feel. then she will give me some advice and so on. then lega la sikit...MyEm0.Com

selang beberapa minit, sure gila i'll get a phone call from my brother (abg apis) n mmg tau dah mesti mak y bgtau kat abg apis. but what i can say is, when i'm started to talk to him, i'll cry automatically. yes, my tears akan secara automatik menitik. do u want to know why, because i'm not really close with him actually because he start staying at hostel since he is in form 1. at that time, i'm in year 3 secondary school (mcm mana la nak rapat, huhu). then, what can make my tears fall down is suara dia memang buat orang menangis pun, sebab suara orang memujuk (hahaha, paham2 la kan macam mana =.='')MyEm0.Com. then mmg menangis je la ckp dgn dy, bila dah xde suara nak ckp, ye kan je dgn nasihat2 dy (hik hik hik).

lg satu, my heart will be very touched bila abah yang bagi nasihat. seriuosly, i never get such an advice from abah with a soft voice (sbb abah memang garang). and when abah give an advice, i just feel, am i in the real life? *tepuk pipi* terharu.bahagia.sangat terharu.sangat bahagia. Allah peliharalah keluargaku, sungguh aku sangat meyayangi mereka meskipun kadang2 aku suka bertindak di luar jangkaan mereka.

back to the story, semalam *7/3/2013* cerita ni berlaku lg, i call my mom because i got really stress then a minute after that my abg apis call. a fact is, i did not cry in front of him and tell him my problems when he is in front of my eyes. never. pernah masa nak spm dulu, saya menangis when abg apis call and my friends said y diorang jeles kot sbb saya ada abg mcm tu (mula2 nak gelak pn ada sbb ................. haha).

this is him :)

abg apis mmg serius murah hati gila bila adik dy ni nak guna duit, hihi. nak beli apa, mntak je kat dy (yeke?) tapi once kena kat sy bila adik2 sy nak mntak belikan barang, hoho, ibarat menunggu jawapan nak pergi haji (lama gilaaaa approval). kalau sebab y diberikan munasabah, dapatla, kalau x munasabah, memang bye2. bukan sebab kedekut, tapi kadang2 apa yang diminta tu macam xpayah beli pun xpe =P.

thats all from me, doakan kejayaan saya utk menghadapi exam final utk sem 2 tahun 2 ni. lepas habis exam terus p LI ^.^ lg nervous kottttt. insyaAllah, Allah dah tentukan yang terbaik buat diri kita betul tak? innallaha maana.MyEm0.Com


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